
Pool Cleaning Gold Coast

Pool cleaninig on the Gold Coast has never been in higher demand and like the name suggests we clean your pool on a regular basis so you don't have to. Our regular pool cleaning services are what we are most proud of as a retail/Service pool cleaning business on the Gold Coast. Our service technicians are all experienced and super friendly so you not only get the right job you also get to have a laugh if you're lucky enough to be home when we come to do Zee pool clean.

All of our regular pool cleaning services are a fixed labour service no matter how long t takes.  As long as you are having your pool serviced on either a weekly, fortnightly or 4 weekly cycle there is no hidden labour charges just the service fee plus and extras required for your pool water balance and well being.

So if you are still looking for a professional pool service company jump the queue and purchase online now and we will book you in as a priority or Call us on 07 55256 161 to book in-store during business hours.

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